It’s wedding season!  I have been busy for the past couple of months and still taking orders!   I wanted to share some of the photos I have received.  Remember to send in your photos from your wedding or event!  We love to see our floral design at the actual event (and other products).  You can send them to me at  my email or upload them to our Etsy shop as part of your review of the item you purchased.  Lastly, you can send them to me through private message through our Facebook page.   

How do I use your photos?  First, I will give credit to the photographer if you provide their name.  Professional photography tends to have a watermark to identify the studio or photographer so of course that’s the easiest way to post them.  If they are your own personal photos that’s fine too.  I will watermark with Lavender Rose Farms watermark on bottom. This is just so it identifies the photograph and prevents anyone from using your photo without permission. If you would like photo credit just send me the name of the person who took the photo andI will post the photo credit with the picture. 

Where will they post?  I post them on our listing on the Etsy shop.  When you purchase our floral design there is a carousel of 10 photos for each design.  I love to post wedding photos as well as my own photos of the floral design so potential clients can see how the floral design will look at an actual wedding or event.   Your photo may be featured as our profile or cover photo on our Facebook page and on our Etsy shop profile/cover photo, and also on our floral design page of our website!  

So keep them coming!  I love, love, love seeing these photos! Thank you!! 


​Lavender & Flower Update:  The English lavender is recovering well after the extremely rainy spring.  It has been said this is a once in 100-year event to see this much rain.  Some of the English varieties already have buds!  The intermediate Lavenders are still in transition and I plan to replace almost 70 plants.  I have a wonderful new variety coming in called  Royal Velvet (this is an English or augustifolia).  I have been wanting this one for a couple of years and have been unable to find it locally.  Shout out to Victor’s Lavender in Washington State.  I should have this at the end of June!  Normally, that is a bit late for us to be planting; however, since everything is so behind and we are still getting some rains I think later planting will work fine.

Our plants to expand the Monarch and cutting gardens are on hold.  We cannot get the tractor out into the fields as they are too consistently wet.  So have replanted the existing Monarch field where the annual zinnas were last year.  The Wildflower section (perennial) has come on strong this year.  Double if not triple the size!  So many new wildflowers coming up I didn’t see last year including daisies.  I just love it!