The shop has been bustling!  Things have been really picking  up and I have been working 7 days to keep up with Mother’s Day Orders!  Just a few quick announcement and reminders.  

Mother’s Day Shipping: Last day to ship for Mother’s day is early morning of Wednesday, May 6th. I will be out of town May 6th through May 10th. 

SHIPPING DELAYS DUE COVID-19 –  Shipping carriers such as USPS, UPS, and FedEx are experiencing delays. This can affect shipping times from our end as well as delay supplies reaching us. Please allow additional time for your order to arrive.

I may be shutting down the shop on Monday to get caught up on orders before going out of town. I will see how caught up I am after the  weekend and go from there. 

Farm News:  It’s been fairly quiet.  Our weather has been back and forth and not really suitable for planting yet.  We passed our last frost date on April 30th.  I have some Sweet Annie plants to get into the ground and some Bee Balm.  I  am getting our Royal Velvet lavender replacement plants later this month.  We have over 70 plants coming.  The rest of the lavender looks good this year.  It’s greening up.  I should be planting seed soon for our cutting garden and getting our raised beds prepped.  May is a great month for planting here in Michigan. 

I am hoping to get some other flowers planted for the cutting garden this year and continue with our veggies and lavender!  Beyond that, I have put on hold any other expansion plans as I have my plate full where we are! 

Still praying for all those fighting COVID-19.  We have been hit hard here in Michigan.  We have been practicing social distancing and honestly I have been so busy filing orders here at the farm/home that I have not ventured out very much.  We have been doing mail pick ups rather than taking anything to the postal carriers.  I usually have every other day pick ups so that is usually  3-4 times a week. .  Please stay safe and hopefully we will be on the other side soon.  

Here are some products and designs I have been working on this month. Enjoy!