
had some smaller plants I received later in the season and they were bit smaller than anticipated so I decided to give a go with overwintering them in house in pots.  As I was doing so, I noticed one  of my biggest and oldest plants had actually started to rebloom giving me a last little bit of lovely purple against the fall colors and the little bit of snow flurries in the air.  Nature sure is resilient and loves to give little pleasures especially when you are not anticipating it. 

Besides opening the online store this month, I have another possibility to keep me busy this winter and spring. I have applied to work for a local greenhouse as a section grower.  Let you know if and when that progresses. One day I do hope to have my own greenhouse and be self-sufficient in propagating my own lavender, but I still have a lot to learn.  My husband and I have spend the better part of last year self-teaching ourselves lavender farming, learning how to make it work in our growing zones, amending (or not) our soil, different varieties of lavender, and also how to make lavender-based products. It’s been a fun and interesting learning experience we hope one day will be our full-time business.  So now I am interested in learning greenhouses practices.  I will post more if that job comes to fruition for me.  

Happy November.  And remember “the Bird” – no not that bird, the Turkey.  It’s not Christmas yet.  Let’s be thankful and remember Thanksgiving and all we have to be thankful for. I will get on my soapbox just a bit her as I really do hate how Thanksgiving is being being obscured by consumerism.  It seems as if there is no holiday at all in November if you watch television marketing.  We go right from Halloween to a bombardment of Christmas commericals and pressures to buy, buy, buy… Yet we forget Thanksgiving was never meant  to be a time spend money and just prepare for Christmas presents, just as Christmas was never meant to be just about buying gifts.  Thanksgiving’
s meaning may have started as one thing, but to me it now means a time to slow down…. enjoy a big meal with family and friends, talk, eat, drink, be merry and most of all be thankful.  Even in our roughest of years we can all take just one day to give thanks for all we have. Freedom, our family, a roof over our heads.  So many people have far less and some have far more.  Thanksgiving is becoming one of my favorite holidays because of its simple meaning and it’s something we so often forget to do everyday- be thankful.  We can all at times focus on the negative and the things we do not have rather being thankful for what we do.  Also, I rally for Thanksgiving simply because our consumer driven culture is trying to push it out and make it just “Black Thursday”.  Please don’t buy into that.  Make Thanksgiving a blessing.  A time to give thanks, give back even and spend time with people you love… 

0 Responses

  1. Congratulations on all the progress you’ve made in such a short time, and best wishes for the future. I agree with you about the holidays and am very glad I don’t have television to remind me of how much we’ve departed from the true meaning of Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.