The last of the French lavender harvest is in and boy did we get a bumper crop this year.  The plants are at maturity and really produced!  I have hundreds of lavender bundles available and they are up and listed on our shop currently! 

You may purchase online for nationwide shipping or we are  doing LOCAL PICKUP at our farm in Monroe Mi of both English and French bundles and other products.  Place an order from our eCommerce store and select PICKUP option.  If ordering via Etsy please message me so I can create a listing minus shipping OR simply send me am message here via our contact page, Facebook page, or and you can pay cash when  you pickup, which is the easiet option!  

We also can invoice via Venmo or Paypal.  

I am at our cabin in Northern Michigan right now, but will be back on Monday the 27th for pickup and shipping options. 

We also have English Lavender Bundles – please see previous blog on the English lavender harvest and pictures. 

I have included a gallery below of some harvest pictures! 

PUBLIC FARM HOURS UPDATES: We do not have public hours currently.  However, if you contact me, I can arrange a pick up time for all our products. Pickup is by appointment only. We are working on possible garden tours next season.  Since I am a one-woman operation keeping up with orders, the fields, and other business aspects is more than a full-time job.  My hubby works a regular full-time job and helps with heavier lifting for the outside work, as do my sons when they are off work.  So, therefore, it has taken a bit longer than planned to have any kind of public visitation to our place.  We have decided garden tours with our property set up will be the best avenue rather than regular business hours onsite.  We are on just the outskirts of Monroe in Frenchtown Township.  We are closer to town than many people think.  We live near Munson Park and are about 5-7 minutes drive to Downtown Monroe! We really have the best of both worlds having a little farm right on the outskirts of town.  Also, it makes it really it easy for local people to do a pick up of products and save the shipping.  We look forward to some scheduled tours to come visit the fields, see the wildflower gardens, and purchase products. We hope to have a PLANT sale next summer.  We have several different varieties of both French and English Lavender.  Join our newsletter for updates on the Contact US page.