Hi everyone!  I’ve had little time to blog lately due to our construction at the new house and the upcoming move.  We had a new wall built to make a den into a fourth bedroom and also a closet built.  We are the stage where we can paint it now.  We are finishing up painting and prep and have started move some things over. Our movers will be coming soon for furniture. Here are some photos of the almost finished 4th bedroom, before painting. 

While the construction was ongoing I was working on getting out a wedding party of bouquets and boutonierres. These were our Summer Festival Meadow Bouquets.  While our carpenter was working away I sat at my new island in my new kitchen and made these (see below).  See the boutonierres also at top of page. 
I’ve closed our shop again.  Hopefully, I will reopen next week as it is a busy time of year for us, but we may have to extend until after Memorial Day pending how fast we get settled in and I have my products and supplies set up.

 I have moved on to the actual packing of the old house in force toay.  However, we did take some time out last weekend to run up to Telly’s in Shelby Township to a little over 200 lavender plants.  We got some English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) such as Hidcote, Folgate, and Melissa.  We also got some Grosso and Phenomenal plants (Lavandula x intermedia).  

I am still searching for some Royal Velvet. Some other lavender growers in Michigan have kindly let me know they have some available, but it would require several hours travel for me to their farms and at this time we are too bogged down by moving for the trip.  I am looking into possibly trying to get them after the move or ordering them online (out of state) if all else fails.  I really love the color of the Royal Velvet, and it makes an excellent culinary lavender.  All English lavender can be used for culinary purposes if you were wondering.  However, I am picky and like certain varieties better than others.  So we will get our hands on the RV soon. 

Our planting day will be coming soon!  We are hoping for and shooting for the first two weekends in June.  A little later than I had hoped, but our move will be done.  The plants will be fine in their pots for a couple of weeks as long as I keep them watered.  We also have till up an area to plant.  I still scoping our sun/shade situation on our 2.25 acres.  We have a large flat area, all sun, closer to the river, but since I’d like to monitor the river a full season before planting to see how far the flooding may come up, I am hesitant to plant there just now.  Neighbors, however, say it has never flooded past a certain point in 30 years…. but playing it safe.

We have a large berm on the property made for this purpose – to keep any flood waters out about halfway back on the property.  We were planning to plant ahead of the berm, but there is a tree casting some shade in part of that area until mid-afternoon.  We might have to look at cutting some limbs.  We also may have to shift the beds to the far right and extended the beds onto the slope of the berm, which is fine given the slope helps drainage and water has never come close to that point.  I have a few weeks to figure it out.  I am going out and tracking sun/shade areas pretty much every day I am on site at the property and also looking for any standing water past the berm.  

Our next post should be pictures of the planting day upcoming.  
Very excited to get GROWING!!  

Pictures of our plants below.