We are excited to announce that aside from lavender and other botanicals that we grow we also are now going to be designated as a Black Walnut Farm.  We have many mature black walnuts trees on our property.  Starting in fall of 2018 we will begin harvesting our nuts and taking them to a hulling and buying location in Ohio in the fall (October-November).  There they are hulled and the nuts used at a well-know Black Walnut product company called Hammond’s.   We do not have hulling equipment on our farm.  You can check out the company our family will be supplying and the products they make  here.   Hammonds Black Walnuts 

Black Walnuts are low in saturated fat, high in unsaturated fat, and a good source of protein. They have a stronger more earthy flavor then regular walnuts.  The nutmeat contains vitamin A, iron, minerals and fiber and serves as a cholesterol- and sugar-free snack or ingredient.

We have been having some really crazy weather here.  The Raisin River is flooding.  We had some hesitancy when we purchased our house and property as the the river is at the back of our property, but since it’s several acres back and we have a few berms on our property, we felt it was safe. 

The river is nearly record high.  Down the street in both directions at parks on the river there is major flooding.  Veteran’s Park parking lots are flooded.  The water below the dam is nearly up to the drop of the dam!  Swing sets, benches and trees are underwater.  The river has not made it to the street yet but it’s close.  Upriver the beautiful park where I take many pictures of the old rustic barn and little white picket fence along the river side park is flooded.  The waters are not up to the barn, but they are up close to the top of the bridge that crosses the river at Raisinville Road.  

My son trekked back to the river on our property and said the river had not yet reached our fire pit/tin wood shed.  There is a bit of berm there so hoping that’s as far as it gets.   So I think we are fairly safe.  The river tends to snake.  It’s the most winding river I have read.  The river winds away from our home/lavender field and we have more property behind us than many of our neighbors.  The river is flooding nearby towns of Raisinville Twp and Dundee, Mi.  Praying for those who have had to be evacuated.  

Here is the latest news on the river:    Monroe News River Flooding