
Spring has finally sprung!  It’s a bit chilly here still, but I am starting to see a bit of green to the grass and some daffodils sprouting.  Most of the lavender still looks fairly dormant, but if you look underneath the plants you can see the beginning of greening! 

Old man winter took a  toll on our weed barrier.  We got a late start to planting last year, our first year planting at our new house.  We didn’t completely finish the planting until late summer.  We also did the battle of the bunnies which gave us some fits and starts with the outer rows.   Due to all these factors, we went into winter without putting the pea gravel on the barrier as intended.  Even though the barrier was tacked down the winter winds/early spring winds pulled up some barrier between rows.  So we’ve got some repair to do on the fields.  My husband and I are planning on starting this as soon as weather cooperates (isn’t raining). 

We will be getting the pea gravel in the next few weeks and have new plants coming the beginning of May to finish the back lavender field.  We will also have to weed barrier and pea gravel the field after planting.  So that is our main goal for this year  – to completely finish the lavender field.  

I’ve had a lot of requests about picking fresh lavender for the summer!  I am so pleased that people are interested in us and coming to see our lavender!  Thank you!  Unfortunately,  I am not sure what our harvest will be because we have mostly newer plants (planted only last summer) and a few transplants (more mature plants).  We also do not know what, if any, losses we’ve had from  winter.  So we may have to replace some plants in addition to planting the new ones already ordered.  

To those who have requested, I will update status around June/July which is when lavender blooms.  I will know if we have any to sell fresh cut wise then.  If we do not, next year should be a better year.  Lavender usually doubles in size the second year of planting.  The third year of growing it usually is at maturity.  Please bear with us as we give our plants time to get where they need to be!  

Other news:  We have two new consultations listed on our shop.  

We have put our lavender growing consultation back up on our shop.  This is a private consultation.  You get up to an hour of consultation (either by phone/email or Etsy conversation, whichever you prefer).  We will also provide a lavender growing/business guide with many important resources.  

We have had to institute a Custom Order Consultation fee for our Floral Designs/Centerpieces.  Customer order Request for Floral Design and Lavender Growing consults can be found on side bar menu under “Consultations” on our Shop. 

While  I can make minor changes to existing floral design listings such as changing ribbon color or adjusting quantities at no fee; however, if you are interested in an entirely new creation for floral designs other than the prelisted designs please use our custom consultation. 

With our custom consult, we can create a listing from scratch or use one of our existing designs as a starting point and customize it by making additions, deletions, or changing colors entirely.  We can also put together bridal packages such as multiple bouquets, boutonnieres, corsages, and centerpieces that match or coordinate.  

Q. What does the Consultation Fee include?

A. Up to 1 hour of cumulative conversations messaging through Etsy or private email about the specifications you need in order for me to create your piece. This conversation may happen all at once, or over the course of several days depending on your schedule or mine. This may include me sending you photos of potential designs and/or examples of pieces that you can choose from.  If you decide you want me to make the design for you, I will offer you a price for the materials, labor and shipping and list it in my shop as a “Custom Order” for you.  After you purchase the Custom Order, I will begin making the piece. When I have finished it, I will send you a photo of the piece. If after seeing the photo you decide to change some of the details, there may be an additional charge for time and extra materials used if the change is significant.  For more details on the custom orders please follow the link


If you’d’ just like one of our listed bouquets with no changes or small changes (such as quantity or ribbon colors) please just order from those listings. 

Fees for Consults:  
1.  Lavender Growing Consult is $50.00.  
2.  Lavender Floral Design/Centerpieces/Wedding Packages for CUSTOM Design Consult is $25.00.

I pray everyone has a very blessed Easter!  We are excited to be attending church services and also to have a backyard Easter Egg hunt with granddaughter and egg coloring!