
I am beyond thrilled and over the moon about these dried lavender bundles. This is our first harvest from this property in Monroe, 2018 Harvest. I have many more bundles to collect from the barn but here are a few of the Grosso Lavender in English lavender. These are going right into bouquets that I’m making for wedding parties!

​Speaking of wedding parties.  We are running at about 4 weeks and prefer 6-8 for larger wedding party orders.  What that means if I need at least 4 weeks to create your wedding party.  Summer/Fall is our busiest time.  My recommendation is to put your order in ASAP if you plan a wedding in Sept or October.  It’s not too early.  This will give me time to order any extra supplies and to hold your place before I get too booked to take more orders.  Orders of 1-2 bouquets I may be able to squeeze in but remember if there are others ahead of you who have ordered I am committed to make their order first even if your order is small.  Just some advice, as we are getting booked.  I also will be on vacation August 10-13th so the shop will be closed those dates.  I will get current orders out either before I leave or when I return – I have contacted clients whose orders were due out in this timeframe to rescheduled delivery. 

LOCAL ORDERS:  Does not have to be local in terms of living in Monroe.  I have clients from northern suburbs of Metro Detroit and those from Toledo, Ohio who have been willing to travel.  The benefit to pick up is that you save shipping and/or I may be to shave off some time if you need the order in a rush.  Since I don’t have to allow for 2-3 days shipping time it will give me a few extra days to work on your order and could make the difference between being able to take the order or not in busy season. So local people please keep in mind if you won’t mind the travel to Monroe/Frenchtown Twp area then we can arrange pick up as well.  

NEW E-COMMMERCE:  Will be up  on our website. What this means is you no longer be redirected to our Etsy shop, but you will be able to order directly from us on the website on our own e-commerce store.  We are starting to veer away from Etsy due to their excessive fees.  We will still be keeping our Etsy store for a while during transition, but eventually hope to get all e-commerce through website and phase Etsy out over a period of months. I hope to offer some discounts on our new own e-commerce to encourage it’s use.  Right now, we are just working on getting it up and running and I hope to have it up later this week.