PictureThis is me! Elaine Stackhouse owner of Lavender Rose Farms LLC!

,I was blessed to be asked to do my bio for a new website Called Unending Possibility, which is a networking website for women and women-owned business forum.  I am a former medical transcriptionist with 18 plus years in the field.  Bambi Feaster, the founder of the Unending Possibilty website, is also a former MT trying to reach out and help others in the field  as it comes to a close and declines. Bambi and I “met” through a Life After Medical Transcription Group where those of us out of the field try to help and mentor those transitioning to a new career field.  Many of these women were in the field of medical transcription for most of their adult working lives.  Most of us loved the field and it once afforded a great income to support our families.  Some of these women were employees, some independent contractors, and other small business owners with  15, 20, or even 30 years of experience.  Increasingly, they are now left trying to find a new career path with onset of outsourcing to medical charts offshore, plummeting wages, lack of work, and also with the advent of speech recognition and healthcare systems going to EPIC (healthcare software).  These women have tremendous skill sets, mad researching skills, and tremendous innovation.  In my humble opinion, the medical field has always undervalued the medical transcription field.   It takes great skill to type 75-80 wpm (or more), fix grammar and punctuation on the fly, and type from spoken word and make sure all technical terms, instruments, and procedures are accurate and correct.   

My bio is currently on the Unending Possibility website.  I would like to  reach out and share that bio and also Bambi’s website.  I hope this will inspire people that they CAN make a career change at any age!  (I am now 50 and transitioned out of the field in 2014).  

My bio on the website can be found here

Here is an excerpt from Unending Possibility About page.  Visit the website here 

Welcome to Unending Possibility.  I’m Bambi Feaster, owner of the site. For the last 40+ years, I’ve primarily worked in health information documentation. In some circles, we’re known as medical transcriptionists, MTs, documentation specialists, editors. No matter what you call us, our world has slowly been blown up, leaving many of us wondering how to support ourselves. A large number of transcriptionists are over the age of 50, many single and self supporting. I’ve had this domain name for some years and was never quite sure what I was going to do with it.  A few weeks ago, it found a purpose.

I’m reaching out to any woman who may find herself needing a tribe, needing to network, or that place to go to that says, “Here, let me help.” My intention is not to reinvent the wheel. I am going to compile lists of job sites, will share whenever I hear of a good gig, and will try to share some education for jobs you might not have considered. So if you hear of a job you think I should list, please send it on to me (see our Contact page).

I’ll be blogging as well on topics that I think may be of interest and timely for the audience I’m trying to reach. While anyone is welcome, admittedly this site will be geared toward women 50 and older. I’ll try to cover a wide range of topics but all relating in some way to the Possibilities we have at this time in our lives.

You will also find our Women-Owned Businesses page. I think the title is self-explanatory, but here I’ll highlight women who have left the desk and reinvented themselves, or found something totally different to do at the desk. Look for our podcasts coming soon! Until then, I will be doing written interviews with these women so others may be inspired
From ​https://unendingpossibility.com


Photo from Unending Possibilities Website – Bambi Feaster

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