
Hey all!  We are getting info on some farmer’s markets and some great suggestions.  We also have been contacted by a few markets as well to join.  Just wanted to update where we are.  We finally got the lavender field completely planted.  We are almost finished spreading rock.  I have harvested some English lavender and waiting on the Grosso and Phenomenal.   We started with the Vintage Home Market at 110 Sycamore in Downtown Wyandotte in June.  They don’t have all our products but a sampling.  I will be taking more down in the next couple of weeks to stock up for the Wyandotte Street Fair/Art Fair.  The shop will be open during the street fair so please stop in and shop!

We have a few Vintage and Handmade  in person markets scheduled for fall and the holidays.  Those are posted on our Events page.  As far as this summer, we are not involved in any Farmer’s Markets.  What we hope to do is make a list of the different markets we are interested in or have contacted us and go down and look.  

What we don’t want to do is spread ourselves too thin.  I am the only full-time worker (farmer, product maker, floral designer, painter, web person, sales and market person and many other hats!).  My husband helps and supports me tremendously, but he works a full-time job.  He’s not a full-time farmer yet!  My adults sons also help as needed but both work and one is in college.  So we are definitely being a bit choosy about what markets we go with to fit our schedule best as I will need some help from at least one family member to transport and set up products, tents, etc.  

Good news is we have some ideas for a couple of in-person farm events next season.  I am working on them and will announce when everything is worked out.  We are excited to be able have some people come out to the farm and see the lavender and what we are doing here.  

Hopefully soon I can add a few markets to the events page as well!  

It’s a hot one – Happy Father’s Day!