Happy New Year! It’s been very cold here in SE Michigan. The lavender is covered in snow. Hoping that the snow is giving it some insulation. Crossing fingers and saying prayers the little guys make it through the cold spell.

We have been in the planning stage for the next phase of our gardens. Our main priority is to get the lavender field planted. We have Royal Velvet coming this spring, which should bring us up to 300 plants! We may or may not have to do some replacements depending on how the new plants faired over the winter. A priority besides finishing our lavender field is to to regravel our driveway and also to place pea gravel on the lavender field and a border. We are also working on having our barn painted this spring, which I am super excited about. We have other gardens in the planning stage as well.

Wholesale orders: I have been getting a lot of requests for wholesale lavender bunches, both English and French. I have had to decline these requests unfortunately. I did want to share here the reasons. We are a new farm. Our lavender is newly planted and young. We do have some plants which were transplants and at maturity. Because of this, our lavender harvest this year was negligible. I do expect some harvest this year, but looking toward 2019 as having more of a full harvest (based on past experience). So please be patient while we grow our lavender.

If you are looking for bunches I have provided our production partners on our Etsy shop – other lavender farms in this area or across the country that I partner with to get supplies for my floral design when our farm doesn’t produce enough to meet demand. You can also send me a quick note on our contact page and I will be happy to give you a list of other growers I have used.

Markets: We are in the process of scheduling some in-person events! I am very excited about this. We have not really pursued the Farmer’s Markets and craft show aspect due to moving and getting our farm started. However, we are in the process of working with two different vintage markets locally. Please look for an announcement with events page soon!