Happy Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is only a couple of weeks away. We have a lot of products and floral designs that will make a perfect gift.  Order soon to allow for shipping! In the theme of Valentine’s Day, I would like to share some wonderful photos shared by our customers.  I just love receiving these photos!  They […]

Happy New Year 2021

I hope everyone had a great New Year!  We spend the week between Christmas and New Year at our cabin in Northern Michigan.  We were so thrilled to have a bit of time to just to  unwind and relax.  The Christmas season was super busy, which is a good thing.  I have included a slideshow […]

Merry Christmas!! 2020

It’s been crazy busy for the past month and I have not been able to jump on and blog recently.  Just wanted to touch base and wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! A few business items to take care of:  The Etsy shop is currently closed (on and off) .  What’s happening?  Well […]

September’s Almost here – Labor Day Sale

Its no secret, I love fall!  It’s my favorite time of the year.  As a lifelong Michigander, I have always loved the change of season.  Yes, even winter, although around late February to March it can get a bit old! I am a cold weather person.  I have been told I thrive in the cold […]

August 9th, 2020 – Wedding bouquet Info Important Changes

  I have carpal tunnel syndrome.  I have spoken to my doctor, and I am having a bad flare since I did our lavender harvest and bundling this year.  I am in wrist splints and on steroids to calm it down.  However, I most likely will be having a consultation with a hand/wrist specialist and […]

Changes to Floral Designs

There are a  few changes to our shop and our web page. I am no longer doing consultation for lavender growi.  There has not been a high demand plus there are some free resources, which I myself have used.   I might just post a separate blog about that topic coming up soon.    Our floral […]

Harvest – French Lavender

The last of the French lavender harvest is in and boy did we get a bumper crop this year.  The plants are at maturity and really produced!  I have hundreds of lavender bundles available and they are up and listed on our shop currently!  You may purchase online for nationwide shipping or we are  doing […]

Harvest is On!

 Harvest 2020 is is on!  I have already harvested and dried our Hidocote English lavender.  Yesterday, I harvested our Melissa English lavender.  Hidcote is a bit shorter and a deep purple color. Melissa has sturdier less delicate stems and are a light lavender color.  I love the two mixed together in a bouquet as it […]

Happy Planting – Info on Lavender Purchase

Finally! Finally!  Our replacement plants have arrived!  We lost about 70 plants last year with our polar vortex winter/super wet spring.  I really wanted to switch those Phenomenal plants – by far they were the largest variety to die – with more English lavender.  While I love intermediate because of the long stems for floral […]

Happy Spring -Happy Mother’s Day

The shop has been bustling!  Things have been really picking  up and I have been working 7 days to keep up with Mother’s Day Orders!  Just a few quick announcement and reminders.   Mother’s Day Shipping: Last day to ship for Mother’s day is early morning of Wednesday, May 6th. I will be out of town […]