Sky Blue Mountain Meadow and March News

Welcome to March!   We have created a new bouquet that I think will work beautifully for spring, summer and even fall home decor or weddings.   Below is a slide show of some of the photos I took of the bouquet.  I can make matching boutonnieres.  I am currently using this bouquets as home decor in […]

Black walnuts and the Raisin River Floods

We are excited to announce that aside from lavender and other botanicals that we grow we also are now going to be designated as a Black Walnut Farm.  We have many mature black walnuts trees on our property.  Starting in fall of 2018 we will begin harvesting our nuts and taking them to a hulling […]

Frequently Asked Questions

Today is a snow day!  We are getting snowed in here in Southeastern Michigan.  Forecasts are for 6-10 inches of snow and under a winter storm warning.  I am cozy inside with a cup of hot coffee.  My husband is working from home today and we have been enjoying the many birds outside our kitchen […]

Shop Announcement/Floral Design

​IMPORTANT NOTICE:  We do not currently have floral crowns.  We are looking forward to making them to match all our bouquets in the future, but we have not gotten there just yet.  As soon as I have some created I will post them to the store.  We have been super busy with planning and planting […]

Please Share Your Pictures!

I am always so very happy to receive photos along with the reviews on our Etsy Shop.  I get really excited to see any of our products in use, but particularly when I have been working with a bride to create a bouquet, table arrangement, boutonnieres or bridal party bouquets.  When I create something custom […]

January News – wholesale info

Happy New Year! It’s been very cold here in SE Michigan. The lavender is covered in snow. Hoping that the snow is giving it some insulation. Crossing fingers and saying prayers the little guys make it through the cold spell. We have been in the planning stage for the next phase of our gardens. Our […]

Winter Planning for Spring Gardens

It is late and here I am up planning a special garden for spring.  Yes, we will be planting more lavender! Of course! We have a bunch of Royal Velvet on order which I am super excited for. They make really good cut English lavender bouquets and are also great for culinary lavender. I likely will […]

Merry Christmas 2017!

Christmas is inching towards us in just a few short days.  I’ve finally caught up on all my orders.  I have closed down our online shop for the holidays and we will reopen on December 26th.  I am making our last holiday post office run with our final orders.  I have decided to close a […]

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has changed over the years for our family. My mom always hosted, but with both parents having passed it’s changed. All the traditional things we did are now different.  I am the older generation in the family now and the last few years we’ve had Thanksgiving at home with our sons (and now granddaughter). […]

November News

Autumn harvest bouquet. Laying down is the regular size and standing up is the small It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  I am pulling our turkey out to defrost today, as I am sure many of you are doing the same.  It’s been a mild November in our neck of […]