
The lavender will be blooming across Michigan soon.  While different varieties have different bloom times, most of our lavender blooms in late June to mid-July, some varieties into August.  There are some varieties that bloom twice – also in the fall.  Bloom times depend on your location in Michigan.  Those farther north with a little later growing season might see bloom times delayed by a few weeks.  

To celebrate lavender in Michigan, I’d like to share a local Michigan Lavender Festival.  The Festival is in it’s 14th year! I have yet to have the pleasure to attend, but I am told it’s a very nice and it certainly looks that way by the photos and website.  If anyone has an opportunity to attend the Lavender Festival here in Michigan feel feel to comment and give us your reviews/comments here or on our Facebook page.   See the festival website here.


Also there is another market I’d like to share called Finder’s Keepers Vintage Market.  It’s an  open-air, vintage-inspired market in Woodhaven, Mi.   The market is being held today, June 5th, for those interested.  


I have applied to be a vendor at this market and I was accepted, but unfortunately with handling Mom’s estate etc.,  I was unable to participate as planned and will have to put this on hold for a bit.   Hopefully, I will be able to participate in their fall vintage market.  

If you are interested in U-Pick lavender opportunities this summer simply search for a local grower/destination farm in your area or travel to one –  Some farms may charge a nominal fee.  We are not currently doing any U-Pick due to our dual residency status during the summer months.

​Happy summertime and happy lavender harvesting.