We have some exciting news to share.  Channel 24 NBC News out of Toledo contacted us for an interview and a story about our farm.  The reporter, Allison, is from the Monroe area.  She contacted us for a feature on our business and small lavender farm.  Unfortunately, it was a bit cold so the lavender had not awoken from their slumber for the story.  Maybe they will do a follow-up when the lavender is in bloom.  

The story will air on NBC24 on May 6th 6 p.m. newscast – unless bumped by hockey, then it will be shown instead at 11 p.m. newscast.  It will also air on May 7th at 6:30 a.m.  If you are out of the local viewing area for NBC24 Toledo then you can go to the NBC24 website and view it there under local news here:  nbc24.com/news/local.  

We were really excited with this opportunity.  Not only did we go out to the fields we had good deal of our products shown in the piece. I set up the display table pictured on this blog for the story to display some our favorite products. 

Mothers’ Day Updates/Online Shop:  Our shop will remain open through next week.  Unfortunately we will be unable to attend the Brownstown Market as planned due to family/health issues.    

​ We’ve had a few days in the 70s and today in the low 80s and the dormant lavender is greening right up.  We will be laying pea gravel mulch and planting the rest of our field in the new few weeks.  Hope to see some of you at the show on May 12th.