It’s been crazy busy for the past month and I have not been able to jump on and blog recently.  Just wanted to touch base and wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

A few business items to take care of:  The Etsy shop is currently closed (on and off) .  What’s happening?  Well we are working behind the scenes filling all your Christmas and other orders.  With the COVID pandemic, we have seen a huge uptick in online ordering and it’s necessary for me to shut down to new orders on Etsy  to keep up.  Our e-commerce store is still open though on this website.  

SHIPPING NEWS! I am shipping DAILY. Quite literally, I have postal pickups and couriers dropping off packages daily as well! 

First, let me say I apologize for the shipping carrier delays! I feel your pain. As sellers, it frustrates us as well.  Here it is in a nutshell from my Etsy Homepage Announcement discussing recent issues. 

Last updated on Dec 16, 2020
We will be back online again soon. We are working behind the scenes filling and packing your orders. We are working on all Christmas/Holiday orders and they should be shipped by the end of this week. You will receive a tracking number shortly!

Shipping Updates: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, all items in the post are currently being delayed. All items will arrive, albeit a little later than usual. USPS has stated the only class of mail guaranteed to arrive in the stated time is USPS Priority Express. You may request a shipping upgrade or select it from the listing for new orders. FedEx and UPS are also experiencing shipping delays. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Honestly, my dear friends and customers, there isn’t much, if anything, I can do on this end.  I am at the mercy of the shipping carriers as much as you are! 

Refunds?  I do understand the frustration of  having a package delayed but as long as we meet our processing time, we honestly cannot be responsible for carrier delays which are totally beyond our control. I cannot provide a refund for a package that is not lost but still in transit.  I have added this to our shop policies on our Etsy Shop. 

I know people are anxious for their items to arrive. I believe your gift intendeds will be understanding of the delays. As I said, most people are aware of the shipping issue that we have faced all year with COVID. 

Please follow the tracking number I have sent you and you can at least see where in the process the package is.  I am getting a message via USPS that the package is NOT LOST, but will be arriving late when I search tracking. 

I did do a search for a customer and the postal service from New York (where the package was going)  called me within just a few hours and explained the package is NOT lost they are just behind and there is nothing they can do either.  All carriers are simply overwhelmed. 

For those so inclined, please pray for our postal workers.  Yes, I know it’s hard, but I have had a lot of interaction with my postal carriers in person and with those on the phone.  They are working so hard.  This is not a normal Christmas season.  I hope we can all show each other a bit of grace at this difficult time.  Let’s not shoot the messenger – the seller or the postal carrier wearily at your door delivering.  

SPRING BRIDES:   Before you know it we will start getting orders for bridal bouquets and wedding parties for spring and summer wedding.  Again, folks, ordering early is key!!!! Not only does it give me time to get flowers and produce your made to order floral designs, but it also allows for glitches like above mentioned shipping delays.  I try to send out wedding orders 3 weeks before event to avoid any issues.  But last minute orders means I cannot accommodate for possible shipping delays.  So if possible try to order early. This goes for Mother’s Day as well, which is another very busy time. 

Well I am headed back to work – feeling like one of Santa’s little hardworking elves this year!  I know it’s been a rough one on all of us. I do hope we all have a wonderful holiday and it’s certainly gotten me thinking more about what the season is really about – Christ’s birth.  Merry Christmas – Stay happy, healthy, and safe.  Many prayers to any of you or your family or friends who have been touched by COVID and illness this year.  

​Elaine S.