
,Today was very windy!  The winds were sustained at 55 miles per hour with gusts to 65.  Two things happened to our property today.  First, our weed barrier on our lavender bed ripped. It was at first flapping in the wind & hangi.ng off our fence, but before I could go out and grab it, it took flight.  It ended up at the top of our tree – where it remains as the winds are still gusting.  
The second bit of damage was to my beloved red wood fence.  I am sure you notice I use this battered, old, painted red fence in many of my product photographs.  The fence has been on this property since I bought it nearly 20 years ago. It’s been mended, painted, and repaired many times over the years.  Well today, the gusts took down an entire section of the fence.  For now it’s still down as we need to wait until winds die down to repair it. 

Murphy and I stayed inside today and made some sachet circles.  Today we made lavender and chamomile filled sachets.  I was trying to get a few photos of them when Murphy decided he wanted to be in the picture.  So I imagine these are Murphy-approved sachets!.  He seemed to be enjoying the scent.  We have listings for these on our shop.  The listings are for individual or 4 sachets, 12 or 25 sachets, or 50 or 75 sachets.  The bulk order listings are great for wedding or shower favors.  They come in lavender-chamomile, lavender-rose petal, lavender, herbal potpourri, lavender-balsam.  Click on our shop tab to go over to our store.  They are listed under the sachet tab.  For larger order (over 75) please contact me for a custom order. 

Praying for everyone in Michigan and beyond who is dealing with these high winds.  I know from family and friends that there are many downed power lines, those without power, and traffic signals out which makes driving dangerous.  Please be careful out there.!