
Zinnias next to the lavender field

I feel so incredibly blessed. When we bought this property I had planned out a lavender field as that was our original plan. So this year we have had our first harvest after planting this year and last. We finally completed the field includig the Rock mulch and our lavender is drying in the barn.  In my dreams, I also envisioned a field of wildflowers, zinnas, yarrow, and other kinds of flowers. . We just started on a test plot this year for glads, dahlias, and yarrow.  We intend to really expand and do a larger field behind the lavender. We did a square plot adjacent to the back bed this year as sort of a test plot for direct sowing. We did some sunflowers, which were smaller ones for cut flowers. They are growing, but no blooms yet. We did a section with zinnia seeds and a section with wildflower seeds. I thought I might use some of the zinnias and sunflowers for cut flowers, but mostly the pasture was  to attract butterflies and bees. Today, when I went out to check the field and do some weeding in the lavender fields, I saw so many butterflies including a monarch! The field of wildflowers and zinnias are not in full bloom, but they are beginning.  I couldn’t be more pleased!

Mult-colored yarrow

I always dreamed of fields of wildflowers and other types of flowers.  Sort of my own meadow. I hope you enjoy the pictures as as much as I do (see the slideshow below).  I feel very blessed that we have this land to create beautiful gardens. I see the nature, including all the butterflies and the bees around, and it makes me happy.  We have bunnies making a home in the zinni’s, which I guess is okay as long as they stay out of the lavender! ​

 Our plans are to start some raised beds for some flowers, veggies and herbs.  We will be expanding the flower meadow/pastures as well.  The direction we want to take our small “farmette” is to be a lavender and dried flower farm.  We will do some fresh cuts as well.  I hope to grow most of the flowers I use in my floral design!  Our property is only 2.5 acres and we would like to keep it manageable for my husband and myself to maintain.  We have made a conscious effort to produce a variety of great lavender and other flowers, but yet still remain a try small farm.  Our products are readily available online and at the Vintage Market Home.  Remember, the Wyandotte Street/Art Fair is this weekend so stop into the Vintage Market Home at 110 Sycamore. They are open all weekend.  We took a bunch of floral designs and other products down to the store this week!  Also follow our events page for other farmers and vintage markets we will be attending.  

Zinnia flower from seed

Keep following us… I hope our journey inspires you whether you want a big agro-tourism type farm of your own or a small “farmette” like we have, or you  just simply enjoy gardening and flowers. God bless!